
Have you thought about making a career in modelling?

Whether you have experience or not we can help you transform into a professional model. Over the years of creating/designing clothing and footwear we have learned all the secrets of the trade and are going to share them all with you. Whether you'd like to believe it or not becoming a model is actually a lot easier than what the industry wants you to believe. If you are interested in learning more, keep reading.

I get thousands of messages daily...

I get thousands of messages daily from people looking to model for me and my brand. As much as I appreciate the help, whenever I ask for previous modelling experience, 99.99% of the time they don't have any. I wish I could help but dealing with each person 1 by 1 would take a lifetime. So in order to combat this gap in the market the DripByMK team and I have decided to create a masterclass on 'How to become a Professional Model'.

Why would I need it?

This masterclass includes every thing you could possibly need to become a professional model. Including how to make a portfolio, social media branding, right down to what you should be saying when you reach out to brands. With the step by step guide you could become a professional model in a matter of weeks!

How can I sign up?

To get access to the masterclass it costs a one time fee of £25. This includes the masterclass, the step by step guide and we will also throw in a bonus video which features an interview with a top performing model we work with very closely. Not just that, but if you purchase the masterclass you also get £25 off your next DripByMK sneaker purchase. So if you plan on buying sneakers with us, essentially you get the masterclass for free. Sign up by clicking below.